First Podcast episode (I think I skipped the success part)

Its a surreal feeling when something you daydream about becomes reality. This is one of those moments

It’s funny. I used to always visualize myself on a podcast thinking about how I would say some inspiring things and look cool.

At first, it was scoring the world cup winner at Old Trafford but the dreams of football were taken over by the dreams of entrepreneurship.

I've been listening to podcasts religiously. Whether that's between classes, while doing the dishes, or during any free time I get.

If I got a dollar for every time I had an epiphany mid-podcast, I would be a quadrillionaire.

The reason being, I truly believe your life’s experiences are a direct reflection of the perspectives you adopt, or the "lenses" you wear.

One nugget from a podcast or a book, can give you the right lens, which puts the bigger picture in focus. With this clearer picture, your average life experience can be 10% better everyday.

Imagine going through life feeling 10% better. The impact is huge.

Podcasts and people who have changed my life include: My First Million, Indie Hackers, Naval Ravikant, Andrew Huberman, Ali Abdaal and many more. I am super grateful for the lessons I have learned through them.

I hope, through this podcast episode (and many more to come), I am able to pass on some of these "lenses".

I feel like I skipped the struggle and success part and went on the podcast. In other words, I am definitely having imposter syndrome.

But, I’m reminding myself, I need to change my identity first — act as the kind of person I want to be and the results (success) will catch up. It’s the Connor McGregor mindset.

Definitely in the “I suck” phase with little wins like this podcast episode. If you’d like to watch it, here’s the link:

More than anything, I am grateful I got to go on this podcast, because it is a vision I had that I’ve brought to life.

It’s reinforced that identity of being a visionary and bringing your ambitions to life. This is just the beginning of a long and hard journey, I am super excited to embark on.

I hope I use clips from this podcast 10 years later and contrast the positions I am in and see how much my mindset has changed.

As always, thanks so much for reading, I’m super excited for the next few months of progress we’re going to make with Synctium (my startup).

I need to redo the website before I start plugging it everywhere. I’ve been procrastinating on it (I hate doing websites).