I have $5k and 4 months to build my startup in SF

There’s a famous saying by Naval Ravikant, which is to find work that feels like play to you.

He says that because if you’re playing all day no one can compete with you.

As an unpaid, full-time uni student, I can say that after 6 months, I’ve been given an opportunity to play (build my startup) full time and to do that I’m moving to the biggest playground - Silicon Valley.

The majority of my past decisions have been on the basis of choosing situations where I would learn the most. This decision to move to SF is on that basis.

Another reason is to gain as many reference points as possible - got this nugget from Josh Hsu.

By reference points, I mean different experiences that comes through taking risks and learnings which you can reference to make a more informed decision in the future.

What I’ve realized playing founder for the last few months is that there is so much I don’t know and you have to figure out what those things are that you don’t know so they can be relevant at the right time.

So, while the stakes are low, the best thing I can do is collect these reference points which will help me get lucky.

They say luck happens when opportunity meets preparation and opportunity is a function of density.

The density I am choosing to surround myself with is that of SF which whispers nothing but ambition.

There’s going to be a lot of failures up ahead, but I’m willing to play the long term game.