Law of Entropy I Week 7

If there's one newsletter post you're gonna read today, I'd say read this one. Its going to deliver, I promise.

I'm going to tell you how this one law will change your outlook on life.

But first let me tell you something that happened this week,

A family friend heard I was in SF. So he asked me for best spots to eat, visit etc.
And I’m there thinking I spend my days and nights at Founders Inc.

I don’t know where to eat, I cook my meals. I don’t order out. I go on walks, I don’t really visit places.

Never came across to me that maybe I should explore more, but I feel compelled to work on my ideas.

Made me realize that this is one of the times I have truly been obsessed.

The kind where you don’t want to get out of your chair to pee till you finish what you were doing (which never actually gets finished).

The kind of obsessed where you lose track of time. Flow state. I swear I lucid dreams about certain things I’m thinking through.

I really hope you experience this feeling in your life, and when you do, chase it.
There’s something freeing about chasing a mission that’s bigger than yourself, it makes you feel compelled to do it.

One quick learning before the law:
This week I was feeling a bit lost in terms of choosing among opportunities (the fact that I’m choosing in itself shows the density of them here in SF)

The image below is a message from a mentor of mine, that always helps.

Okay, now the law:
I got asked a question last week. A young (super ambitious) kid following my journey asked me how do I remember what I learn.

I told him, there’s a law in nature - The Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Which states that in a closed system, entropy (disorder) always increases over time.

This means that without external energy input, everything tends toward decay, disorder, and eventual degradation.

In non-nerdy terms, things either improve with effort or fall apart on their own.

If you don’t clean your room, it will get messy over time.

That’s because things naturally get more disorganized unless you put in effort to keep them in good shape.

I told the young kid, its the same with learning.

So you need a forcing function to ensure you’re actually learning and hence, growing. I told him to find one friend with whom they share their learnings every week.

You should have one too, it could be as simple as writing it down in your diary and reviewing it everyday or week.

Writing these posts and my newsletters is my forcing function.

Again, 99% of the people will read the above and not change (hence, decay)
Whether you want to grow is up to you.

But, just know you don’t “stay the same”, you either fall apart as all things do naturally without external effort, or you grow.

anyways, for next week, I have some exciting projects to launch, waiting for my X to get unsuspended first.

Let me know what y’all think of the newsletter posts. Always looking to learn and improve :)