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Week 2 in SF
What do elite founders know about intensity that you don't?
2 weeks into SF, and this week I'm reflecting on intensity.
On October 17th last year I made the following note from an MFM podcast:
21:00 onwards - the key to cold calling and getting someone interested in your idea/ business plan is intensity. Key is to tell them, I need to get in touch with xyz or discuss xyz, how do I make it happen -- this sentence is very imp.
Here's how it worked wonders for me.
While working on my startup, I came across a founder and I remember being super excited because he was in the space I was building in (and his company went through YC).
I really wanted to speak to the founder and find a way to work with him.
What did I do?
I found the founder's number and just called. Right there and then.
I didn't expect him to pick up. But when he did, I said "I need to speak to {founder's name} how do I make it happen" Literally word for word from the podcast clip.
Most people would have waited, scheduled, followed the proper steps. But when you're new, you don't know about proper steps.
That call turned into a meeting. All because I didn't wait for permission.
This week I went on a 2 hour walk with this founder. Not once did he ask about my resume. Instead, he wanted to know what drove me.
I told him about my footballer life before university, my desire to achieve more than the average. And I didn't just say it. I meant it.
Intensity is a transfer of energy. It's felt.
And people love being surrounded by intensity. They root for the heroes to get their happy endings.
Its the best signal I've found for finding people and working with them on things you're passionate about.
Here's what I now know:
1) Novelty is an advantage because it gives you a unique perspective on the 'normal' way of doing things.
2) Your intensity matters. That voice inside saying "try anyway" - listen to it.