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  • Week 5 in SF — I ended up at Founder’s Inc with nothing but pure hustle, here’s how.

Week 5 in SF — I ended up at Founder’s Inc with nothing but pure hustle, here’s how.

(No I don’t have a crazy startup, film making experience or really high IQ)

This story actually starts 7 months ago, when Buildspace season 5 (and unfortunately, last) season took place.

This online incubator is where I started Synctium — an AI powered CRM for students.

We pivoted from students to founders and invstors, from personal to business CRMs etc.

But, I didn’t know anything about building a startup. I remember reading classic startup books (The Mom Test, Zero to One) and ended up making every mistake anyway.

It might just be better to do things, fail fast, and then learn.

Anyways, I remember finishing the 6 weeks of Buildspace and thinking to myself that I have to end up at their HQ somehow.

I had no idea how or when, but I knew almost delusionally that I would end up there one way or another.

In my free time, I would be listening to My First Million's podcast episodes. I love that podcast, each episode has a few niggets to take away and I always mention it.

I never knew there would be a way for me to work with them and meet my idols through coming to SF. Then again, you can't connect the dots looking forward

Through random connections I made from just hustling to events, meeting people, providing value, I found an opportunity for me to be a part of the MFM podcast.

For my application video, I decided to film a tour of the Founder inc's HQ, interviewing the people there.

I had applied to Founder Inc’s previous program but didn’t get in.

I didn’t stop there.

I persistently messaged the people working there about this opportunity, how I could provide value etc.

And they gave me a weekly pass. I have this one week to do make something happen.

Again, I don’t know for sure what, but I have that feeling again that I’ll make something happen. I have to.

So that’s how I ended up here, in short, its by not taking no as an answer and just figuring out a way — which involves a 5 hour daily commute, cooking my own meals to afford the commute, working on and from the way, barely sleeping, it doesn’t matter.

As long as you figure it out.

I have 5 more days here. If you have any questions you’d like me to answer the builders here from around the world, let me!

This is a video I filmed and edited here last few days. Check it out!